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Is Shane MacGowan Still Alive? Page 26

  Australia/Australians 42, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 72, 84, 110, 129, 131, 146, 198, 220, 229, 237

  Australian Rules Football 61–7

  B*witched 176

  babe-magnet 40

  balls (being tickled) 58

  ‘Banner County’ 131

  Barney the Cocktail Maker 103

  Battenburg Cake 72

  BBC 1

  Beamish 153

  Bean, Sean 70

  Beatles, The 174

  Beckett, Samuel 220

  beer 52, 129; beer-fuelled dreams 59–60

  Behan, Brendan 54, 188

  Belborough, Lord 174

  Benbulben 209–221

  Best, George 141–2

  Betty Ford Clinic 134

  big-legged farmers 124

  big-nosed farmers 111

  bikini (Irish flag) 71

  Billy, King 238, 239

  Birmingham 41, 44

  Birmingham Six, The 73

  bits of old machinery 276

  bitter and twisted 157

  Blackstock Arms 289

  Blanchflower, Danny 141

  blood sucking 164

  Bloody Sunday 234, 285

  ‘Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain’ 227

  blue waterproof jacket 43, 211

  bodhrán 172

  body-piercing 53, 55

  bog 65

  Bogside 234

  Boland, Harry 53

  bombs 47

  Bono 54, 79, 80

  Boru, Brian 154, 178–9

  Bosanquet, Reginald 36

  The Boston Arms (Tufnell Park) 232

  Boswell, James 36, 88

  Bowler, Dave 174

  Boyzone 54, 176

  Boutros-Ghali, Boutros 22

  Boycott, Sir Geoff 107

  Boy 79

  Boyle, Sir Robert 266

  Brady, Liam 143

  Braveheart 137

  breasts 83, 121

  Breton 104

  bridge 87–8

  Brisbane Road 189

  British army 147

  Brown, Tony 119

  Brumpton, Les 173

  Bryson, Bill 163

  Budweiser 49

  Burton, Richard 218

  Bush, George 220

  Byrne, Gabriel 199

  Cabaret Voltaire 39

  Callaghans 290

  Camberwick Green 174

  Camden 1, 136

  Camelot 169

  camshaft wheelie gauge 39

  Cant, Brian 173

  Cantii 173

  Captain Fantastic and Mrs Black 34

  Carp of Clever Things 169

  Carrickfergus 218

  cars 215–221

  Carson, Frank 106

  Carthaginian fish sellers 135

  Cassady, Neal 17, 35–7

  Cassidy, David 35, 75

  Catholic Church Industrial Holdings plc 6

  Catholicism 54, 230

  Celtic FC 37, 203, 238

  Celts 57, 77, 78, 80, 86, 104, 106, 119, 134–40, 143–44, 169, 171, 176, 194, 210, 222, 231, 236–7, 240, 246, 280, 284

  Celtic Poets, The 176

  Celtworld 139–40

  Charles I, King 201

  Charlton, Jack 141

  Chinese food 112, 114, 159, 202

  Citizen Kane 21

  civil war 81

  Claddagh, The 186

  Clare 63, 115–6, 118–27, 167–81

  Clarke, Allan 190

  Clash, The 173, 176, 197

  Clayton, Adam 79–80

  Clerkenwell 219

  Clift, Montgomery 184

  Clohessy, Peter 114

  Clockwork Orange 75

  cod-Jamaican accents 37

  Coleman, Kev 141–146

  Coleman, Ornette 39, 79

  Coleman, Tom 142–3

  Collins, Michael 27, 53, 54

  Collins, Phil 41

  Cooper-Clarke, John 58

  Cork City 267

  Comedians, The 47

  communitarianism 174

  Connery, Sean 190

  Cook, Robin 100

  Cork 36, 83, 84, 106–7, 153–58, 201

  Corrs, The 176

  cosmology 55

  Costello, Lou 36, 44

  country music 41, 231

  craic, the 281

  crazy & beautiful single women 50

  Crazy Horse Club 190

  cricket 64, 67

  Croke Park 61–7

  Cromwell, Oliver 201–2, 266

  Crosby, Bing 36, 280

  Crowded House 100

  crucifixion 13

  CúChulainn 123

  Curragh, The (County Kildare) 95

  Daleks 182

  Daly, Willie 185

  Dana 59

  Daniels, Paul 105, 208

  Davis, Geena 44

  De Valera, Eamon 53–4, 129

  Deep Purple tribute band 76

  Dick Mac’s (Dingle) 160

  Diggers 201

  Dingle (County Kerry) 159–65

  Divorce Referendum 54

  Dr Who 182

  dodgems 278

  Dolan, Joe 223

  dolphin 159

  Donaghy, Michael 164–6

  Donegal 214, 222

  Doneraille, Lord 275

  Doolin (County Clare) 167–81, 241–2, 245

  Dracula, Count 212

  druids 121, 135

  Drumcliffe (County Sligo) 221

  drummer out of u2 80

  Dublin 33, 454, 48, 49, 50–88, 95, 102, 106–7, 142, 160, 199, 277

  The Dubliners 178

  Dylan, Bob 41, 84, 174

  Dun Laoghaire 49

  Dundrum (Dublin) 49, 51, 86

  Dukes of Hazzard, The 99

  Dukey, 73

  Dunphy, Eamon 106, 278

  Duran Duran 86

  Easy Rider 35, 97

  Edge, The 79–80

  egg mayonnaise sandwich 211, 214

  electro-magnetic tramp forces 15

  Elvis 222

  English tourists 156–7, 198

  Enistymon (County Clare) 174

  Ennis (County Clare) 174

  Enniskillen (County Fermanagh) 161

  Errata (Donaghy) 165

  Euro 88 3, 144

  Eu subsidies 156, 158

  Eurobuskers 170

  Eurotourists 68, 74, 83, 160

  evil music spirits 245

  ex u-Boat captain 115–16

  faeries 89

  ‘Far, Far From Home’ 227

  Fenian 81

  feng-shui 215

  ferry 282

  fiddle 180–1

  Fiddledance 136

  fighting 65–6, 112–3, 285

  Financial Times, the 165

  Finbar the Lobster of Moral Outrage 147

  Finnegania 20

  Finnegan’s Wake 21

  Finnegans Wake (Joyce) 21

  Fir Bolgs 89, 123

  First Potato Town of Ireland 266

  fish 135, 278–9

  Fisherstreet (County Clare) 168

  Fitzgeralds (Earls of Desmond) 100, 113

  flirting with chicks (in roadside tourist giftshops) 35

  Fly, The 44

  flying-jacketed soothsayer 76

  fnah sna a gorma 104

  football 5, 86, 105, 123, 141–6

  Fonda, Peter 36, 97

  Ford, Betty (Clinic) 134

  Ford Escort 25, 157

  Ford Fiesta 13

  ‘Forty Shades of Green’ 218

  fragile middle-class housewives 165

  free jazz 39

  Freemasons 3

  Freud, Lucien 175

  fridges 278

  Fungie (the dolphin) 159–161

  G major 244

  GAA 55, 61–2, 119, 122, 273

  gaelic 104, 175, 183, 191

  gaelic football 55, 59, 61–7, 127

  Gaia Appreciation Workshops 134

  Gall, Sandy 36

  Galway 63, 104, 182, 185, 186–207

  Galway, James 185

  Gébler, Carlo 161

  German goth 170

  Germans 83–4, 199–201, 210, 220, 247

  Gibson, Mel 137

  Giles, Johnny 106, 141–2

  girl from The Cranberries 114

  ginger hair 6

  gitar 244

  Givens, Don 142

  Glass Curtain, The (Gebler) 161

  glasswarephobia 279

  Glastonbury 58, 135, 140

  goatee beards 83, 266

  God 14, 54, 71, 103–4, 285

  Godfather, The 182

  Goldblum, Jeff 44

  Gonne, Maud 53

  The Grand Hotel (Tramore) 278

  Grafton Street 52, 84

  Graham, George 190

  Granger, Farley 184

  The Great Fiddle Mystery 180–1

  The Great Lincolnshire Graphic Novel 190

  ‘The Great Hunger’ 176

  Green Card 75

  Gregory, Lady 119

  Guardian, the 72

  Guinness 5, 20, 52, 59, 79, 122–3, 129, 137, 160, 166, 169, 172, 198, 246–7, 284

  ‘Guns of Brixton’ 197

  gurriers 61–7

  Hammersmith 11–12, 14–16, 19–20, 22–3, 25, 33, 38, 277, 284

  Hammersmith Irish Centre 19

  Hanger Lane 41

  Hapsburgs 72

  Harp (lager) 122, 156

  Harris, Richard 114

  Haughey, Charles 53, 81

  Hawking, Stephen 3

  Hayek, Salma 120

  Hayes Hotel (Thurles) 121

  Hendrix, Jimmy 84

  ‘heritage’ 88

  Heritage Ireland 246–7

  Higgins, Hurricane 97

  hitcher 42–3, 49

  Hill 16 61–7

  Hill, Paul 179

  hippies 83

  Holyhead 45, 48

  Hopper, Dennis 36, 88

  horsepeople 17, 195

  Hotmail 72

  Houghton, Ray 144

  houses 275–7

  Hoxton 23, 219

  How Green Was My Valley (Llewellyn)75

  Howth (County Dublin) 106

  Hughes, Sean 17–18

  Huguenots 129

  Human League 86

  human sacrifice 135

  hurling 115–127

  ‘I Know One’ 227

  ‘I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen’ 227

  Ian Paisley Impersonators 233–40

  Innisfree 224

  internet 242

  IRA 20, 49, 238

  Irish Independent, the 156, 219

  Irish music 172

  Irish Post, the 107

  Irish Times, the 72, 78, 198, 203

  ironic stereotypes 285

  ‘Isle of Innisfree’ 227

  Jagger, Mick 47

  James II, King 234

  jazz, free 39

  Jesus 13, 54 229

  jockeys 36, 64, 90

  jockey genitalia 90

  Jockser 55

  ‘Johnny’ 20

  Johnson, Samuel 36, 52, 88

  Joyce, James 18, 21, 112, 163, 221

  Juno and the Paycock (O’Casey) 55

  Kant, Immanuel 174

  karate 53

  Kavanagh, Patrick 54, 165

  Keane, Dolores 219

  Keane, John B. 16, 189, 284

  Keane, Robbie 54

  Keane, Roy 54, 86, 104

  Kells, Book of 51–2

  Kerouac, Jack 17, 35–7, 45, 50, 52, 58, 163, 284

  Kerrygold 27

  Kevin the Carp of Storytelling 148

  Kidman, Nicole 22, 284

  Kilkenny 63, 246

  kiln-fired dogshit 246

  Kimberley, Chocolate 27–8

  Kind Lady with Computer 101

  kindly pipe-smoking uncles 163

  King Billy/William 238–9

  King of the Tinkers 15

  King of the Tinkers (Lynch) 83

  Kinski, Klaus 212

  Knocknarea (County Sligo) 210, 227

  Knorr soup 34

  Krapp’s Last Tape (Beckett) 220

  Kray twins 11

  Kyle, Jackie 274

  Ladbroke Grove 23

  lager 16, 68, 71 111

  Lambretta 112

  Land that Time Forgot, The 206

  Langford’s record shop 173

  Leeds United 239

  Leenane Trilogy (MacDonough) 189

  leprechaun 19, 36, 38, 43, 46, 49, 89, 97, 153, 232, 273, 282

  leylines 169

  Leyton 23

  Limerick 13, 111–118

  Limerick Leader, the 100

  Lincoln City FC 119

  Lincolnshire 14, 38–9, 68, 77, 106, 128, 173, 214, 219, 234

  ‘Little Piece of Heaven, A’ 227

  Liverpool FC 137

  Livingstone, Ken 58

  Lloyd, Emily 70

  ‘London Rain’ 176

  London Transport Police 84

  London’s Burning 173

  Lonesome West, The (MacDonough) 185, 187, 190, 195

  Lord Doneraille, The (Tramore) 275

  Lord of the Blarney 136

  Louth 56

  Luftwaffe-issue lumberjack shirt 69

  M25 41

  Mac Cool, Finn 146–48

  MacGarrigle’s 174

  MacGowan, Shane 2, 165, 182, 286

  mad eyes 114

  Maeve, Queen 210

  ‘Magic Roundabout, The’ 47

  Malignant Flanagan 165

  Mallow (County Cork)

  mammy’s boy 221–3

  Man Called Horse, A 238

  Manchester United FC 56, 58, 71, 104, 137, 239

  Mansell, Nigel 44

  Manx 104

  Maria-Rua 178–9

  Marie-Claude (Bertillon) 105

  Market Rasen 173

  ‘Market Rasen’ 176

  Marley, Bob 168

  Marquis of Queensbury 213

  Mars! 178–9

  Martello Tower 53, 59

  Martin, Dean 36

  Mary, Virgin 54

  Mary-Beth 101

  Matchmaking Festival 184

  Matthews, Tom 191–5

  Mayo 44, 223

  McCarthy, Mick 145

  McCormac, Ted 178

  McDermott’s (Doolin) 168, 178

  McDonagh, Martin 185, 188, 190

  McDowell, Andi 75

  McDowell, Malcolm 75

  McDowell, Roddy 75

  McGann’s (Doolin) 168, 170

  McGarry, PC (no. 452) 174–5

  McGoverns 292

  McGrath, Paul 137, 145

  McGuinness, Martin 120, 233

  memory 33–5, 52, 202, 240

  Mercia 77

  Mercury, Freddie 135

  Mexico City 194, 210

  Michael Collins 53

  middle-class families with over-sensitive daughters 89

  Milligan, Spike 173

  Miltown Malbay (County Clare) 179

  Miss Galway 195, 204–7

  monks 52

  ‘Moonlight & Roses’ 228

  Moore, Christy 96, 175, 184, 216

  Moore, Roger 190

  Morecombe & Wise 44

  Moate (County Westmeath) 241–5

  motorways 41

  mountains 50, 109, 208, 209–11

  ‘Mountains of Morne’ 227

  moustaches 43, 132

  moving statues 211

  Mullingar (County Westmeath) 224, 241–5

  multiple orgasms 6

  Murray, Lorcan 204

  Muswell Hill 23

  ‘My Favourite Memory’ 227

  ‘My Heart Skips a Beat’ 227

  mystic-joy-in-the-utter-melancholy-of-life 170

  N15 209–10

  N25 153

  Narnia 246

  nationalism 57–8

  New Labour 58

  New Orleans 220, 234

  New Romantics 86

  New York 234

wgrange 246

  nipple studs 55

  nipples 206

  Noakes, John 36

  Normans 167

  North Kesteven 189

  Norwich 269

  Nosferatu 212

  Nottingham Forest FC 189

  Nymphomaniac Jazz Chicks (Bradford) 218

  O’Casey, Sean 188

  O’Connell Street (Dublin) 68, 82

  O’Connor, Jamesie 119, 126

  O’Connor, Sinéad 54, 176

  O’Connor’s (Doolin) 168, 179

  O’Donnell, Daniel 222–235

  O’Donoghues (Dublin) 87

  O’Hehir, Michel 106

  O’Leary, David 87, 106, 144

  O’Reilly, Tony 27

  O’Sullivan, Sonia 145

  Offaly 63

  ‘Old Days Remembered’ 227

  Old Firm 238

  old fridges 278

  old lady drivers 156, 158

  old men 114, 117, 123

  Old Spice 23

  On the Road (Kerouac) 35, 40, 50

  orgasmic laughter 269

  Orwell, George 17

  Our Lady 140, 159, 169, 215, 247

  Out of Africa 120

  Pacino, Al 182

  ‘Pair of Brown Eyes, A’ 170

  Paisley, Ian 20, 106, 233, 236

  Parsons, Gram 95

  patriotism 239

  PC McGarry (no. 452) 174–5

  peace process 56

  ‘Peaceful Easy Feeling’ 244

  Penn, Sean 241

  Peppard, George 163

  Perkins, Anthony 75

  Perry, Lee 173

  Pete the Fiddle Player 220

  Peters, Mike 197

  pheromones 245

  Pierre-White, Marco 242

  Pippin 36

  piss 153, 156, 114

  Playaway 173

  Plendy 1, 73, 144, 244

  Podborski, Steve 214

  Pogues, The 165, 170

  Polexfens 222

  pony-tailed Germans 168

  porridge 72

  Portarlington (County Laoise) 128–33

  Portillo, Michael 234

  Postive, Mr. 216

  Pot Black 173

  potato 5, 22, 266–72, 273, 285

  Powers (Tramore) 281

  ‘Prince Albert’ 55

  protestants 128–9, 230, 238. 277, 285

  Proust, Marcel 112

  Psycho 75

  pubs 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 52, 55, 61, 123, 289–97

  puke 14, 19

  punk 58, 83

  Purves, Peter 36

  quantum physics 127

  RAF 56, 133

  raggle-taggle gypsy 21

  Raleigh, Sir Walter 266

  Ramsey, Alf 141

  Rangers, Glasgow FC 237

  Rathcormac (County Sligo) 210

  Real Ibiza Trance House 72

  Real Irish parents 76


  carpet 23;

  -faced beardy 109–10, 214;

  face 23;

  hair 23, 116;

  lemonade 28, 243;